18 April 2010

Safety warning!

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Maya... is a fierce competitor. So there is no room for thinking, "Now I just have to, kind of, make it through the next few years and not really screw up too badly and everything will be all right. Give myself a little slack." Maya will say, "He is weak, get him!"

We should be careful. Such a valuable thing- we have gotten Krishna consciousness. So closely we should guard it. Just like we see here, all those warnings are there during the Mayapur festival, "If you have any valuables- be careful." And always there is somebody who is not careful who goes walking around with their passport or with their money. And some slick thief gets him. And the rest of us think, "I should be very careful with my money, I should lock it up, I should..."

So if we are that careful about our money, about our passports, about our airline tickets- how careful should we be about our Krishna consciousness, about our freedom from material existence, about our going back home back to Godhead?

Oh, if I lose my Krishna consciousness it is OK as long as I do not lose my passport.

We should be so careful.

SB 2.3.15 24/03/2006 Mayapur

15 April 2010

Right attitude

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You can never be overconfident about the lotus feet of Krishna. And you can never be over-skeptical about anything else.

Lecture on SB 1.7.13-14

11 April 2010

Love For Krishna Through Sankirtana

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The ultimate aim of this Krishna consciousness movement is to join with Radha and Krishna in Their dancing party. To join with Krishna and His energies in the spiritual world. But to do that we require love for Krishna.

Now, how to get that love for Krishna? we say krsna-prema-pradaya te, Caitanya Mahaprabhu is giving love for Krishna. But how is He doing that? He has started the Hare Krishna movement- you got to the Hare Krishna temple and you put in your requisition: I want love for Krishna. On Friday we will deliver it if you give your order by six o'clock on Thursday. How is this love for Krishna being distributed? How do we get it? That love for Krishna is available trough sankirtan.

We think that this sankirtan, this chanting of Hare Krishna maybe a ritual or as there are so many rituals done in different religions, in Hindu religion, in Christioan religion... so this is another ritual; chanting Hare Krishna. Or this is some sorth of meditation or yoga practice. Or something to bring a peace of mind... but actualy all... of course all of therse things are there- By chanting Hare Krishna one gets a peace of mind, by chanting Hare Krishna the heart becomes pure, by chanting Hare Krishna one gets free from sinful reactions, by chanting Hare Krishna so many benefits are there. But the real purpose of chanting, the real benefit of chanting Hare Krishna is that by chanting one gets love of Krishna

By chanting Hare Krishna one can get love of Krishna. That is what Caitanya Mahaprabhu is doing with this sankirtan movement. He is giving the living beings the opportunity to develop love for Him. Love for Him means love for Radha and Krishna. sri-krsna-caitanya radha-krsna nahe anya; there is no difference between Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Radha and Krishna; except the Caitanya Mahaprabhu is even more, is most approachable. He is freely giving. because Srimati Radharani is more merciful than Krishna, and now Krishna is taking the mood of Srimati Radharani, He is giving love for Himself trough this harinam sankirtan. golokera prema-dhana, hari-nama-sankirtana this chanting of Hare Krishna gives love for Krishna.

Of course we have to chant for some time, we have to practice chanting Hare Krishna. But by practicing in this chanting our taste develops, and in the mature stage of chanting Hare Krishna one gets love for Krishna. One gets love for Krishna. Therefore, golokera prema-dhana, this chanting Hare Krishna is not a material vibration- it is coming from the spiritual world, and it is putting us in touch with Radha-Krishna. Krishna is Krishna, and Hare, we are calling out for Srimati Radharani, energy of Krishna. O Krishna, O energy of Krishna, please engage me in Your service. The ultimate perfection of chanting Hare Krishna is that one will get love of Krishna. krsna-prema-pradaya te

golokera prema-dhana, hari-nama-sankirtana, especially when we chant together, many devotes together, that love for Krishna starts to reawaken within the heart sravanadi-suddha-citte karaye udaya; the heart becomes purified. Actually love of Krishna is there in the heart of everyone, nitya-siddha krsna-prema sadhya kabhu naya, this is our original love. Now we have love of money, love of this and that. But our real consciousness, eternal consciousness, natural, healthy consciousness is love of Krishna. It is already there within the heart of everyone, it just needs to come out. And it comes out by this process of hearing and chanting. Actually by hearing and chanting and if you like dancing. And by chanting and dancing in Krishna consciousness very quickly one advances, step by step, on the path towards love for Krishna. So this is the method.

...not simply by going to the library and taking out the book and reading... we may read all about Radha and Krishna and at the end of reading not understand anything or understand less, because we think, now i understand.

But actually to understand is possible when ones heart is purified and the heart becomes purified by the grace of the Holy Name of Krishna and by the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu who is distributing this Holy Name trough the Krishna Consciousness movement.

Srila Prabhupada came to give this gift of chanting of Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. So let us go on chanting Hare Krishna and that will lead us toward the highest perfection of life.

CC Adi 1.5. 03/09/2003 Dubai

01 April 2010

Divya-vani news service, part 2

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Earth welfare organization receives assurances- intervention expected

New York. “The delegation of demigods that sought up Lord Vishnu earlier this week to plead the case of Bhumi, the Earth welfare organization, has received assurances of His help”, sources close to the delegation said today. Precisely what sort of help He is offering is not yet known. The assurances seem to have been given personally to Lord Brahma, the head of the delegation in highly confidential message. Brahma than informed the other demigods.

“It was sort of mystical”, a returning delegate told a reporter to DNS. From publicly available documents Lord Vishnu is known to live on an island in the milk ocean.”And we were all just standing there on the sore”, the delegate said, “no ferry, no helicopter, nothing. So we just stood there on the sore and what else could we do- We prayed. Brahma meditated for a while. Time passed, nothing happened. And then all of a sudden Brahma said, he got the message”, the delegate said. “Beats me how he got it. With Vishnu you never know. You stand there with nothing and next thing you know- you got the whole package.”

Highly confidential information in the message, the delegate said, convinced him that the message was authentic. No specifics of the message have been made available to the press. A spokesman for the delegation said only that Lord Vishnu had promised some sort of intervention. In response to a plea by a Bhumi, the Earth welfare organization, the delegation had gone to seek help in countering alleged pattern of political oppression and military build ups, the delegates said had become a global crisis.

Spokesman for the major world powers say no such pattern exists.

Political analysts say that they have expect changes over night, “Most likely”, they said, “Vishnu will come up with a long term plan”

“But when He finally acts”, one analyst said, “The action will be dramatic. Vishnu does not do things small.”

HH Jayadvaita Swami, Seminar: Preaching from the news, Radhadesh 2002

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